Thursday, July 23, 2009

Long Time, no blog

Hello again my dear friends. Sorry for the internet silence lately. Its been a bit wild and crazy here at the Gilpin household. We have had a whirlwind of a July..and its not quite over yet!
Lets see...we had a great visit from grandpa "Boppy" (as Audrey fondly calls him) over the fourth of July weekend. We hit the famous Cherry Creek Arts Festival, marched in the neighborhood parade, and caught some fireworks at Mile High Stadium. It was a wonderful visit with grandpa, who was ever so patient with Audrey and all of her two and a half year old-ness.
The next week Drew, my twin brother and his daughter Hope (6 yrs old) moved to Denver. More specifically, they moved in with us. We have managed to all adjust pretty well to the change and are grateful for the extra space in the basement, as it allows everyone to have their own place to lay their head. Its funny to hear Audrey and Hope bicker a bit about who has whose marker, etc. Here Drew and I are refereeing a game we ourselves used to play. The wild adventures of Drew Metelits are still unfolding as he is weighing the pros and cons of various GI bills for college and the benefit/risk of taking on some part-time or full time work while he gets his degree. Will keep you posted in that department.
As for me, I feel off the radar for a few weeks (well, lets be honest, months) getting myself as ready as I could be for my re-certification exam. Yep, every 6 years we PAs sit down and take an exam to allow us to continue writing that -C after our names. I have to be honest, the nerdy side of me loved reviewing some of the finer points of medicine I don't see very much of. I liked the review, I could have done without the test anxiety and sleeplessness, but am glad I dusted the cobwebs off. I took the exam last Wednesday and am pleased to announce I passed. SO good-bye flash cards and practice least for another 6 years.
I have been lacking in both posting photos and taking them as I review that last several weeks of candids. Promise to snap more the rest of the summer. Enjoy!