Sunday, November 7, 2010

Fall Behind!

Tis the season for pumpkin carving, leaf raking and other sorts of Fall-like activities - such as making an update to my blog. Yes, indeed, it has been a whole year (eeek!) since I last updated my pathetic! I have tried, but failed miserably on several attempts. So, with the change in season, and this whole extra hour at my disposal I decided to give it another go.
The Gilpin clan is doing well and adjusting to life with a newborn/infant again. Audrey is now in Preschool a half day M-F and I am working 3 days a week. Miss Sydney is in day care those 3 days and doing wonderfully. Scott is dutifully hanging in there in a household full of ladies.
The pictures are pretty recent and the pumpkin was the crowning achievement of an otherwise dismal gardening year.
Hope you are all well and promise (no really, I promise) the get better at the blog posts!