Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A Sense of Style

Audrey is really getting in to playing dress-up and her Grandma Gilpin is an amazing seamstress. Thats actually like calling the Pope, sort of religious, but you get the idea. The lady can sew. Grandma Gilpin whipped up a few tu-tus for miss Audrey before her latest visit and they have quickly become the accessory du-jur. On occasion Audrey will become particularly attached to one tu-tu or another, and its not worth trying to get it off of her for errands, playing or general public appearances. To be honest, if I can get her out of her pj's in the morning, I consider my day a success. So a tu-tu, sure thing bugger-bum, wear the tu-tu.
I have to admit, I'm a bit jealous. I'd love to throw a tu-tu on every now and then and not think twice about it. Grocery shopping..."Yeah, diggin' my tu-tu." Library..."What are you looking at? Ever seen someone in a tu-tu before?" Jury there's an idea, next time you want out of jury duty, slap on your tu-tu.
Where was I? Oh, right, the tu-tu. Well my twin brother Drew came to town for a visit (and job hunt, yippie and fingers crossed) and I dragged him to the Denver zoo. I love the zoo, and more importantly, Audrey loves the zoo. On this particular zoo visit Audrey dawned what I have termed the hippie/psychedelic tu-tu. Its a sassy little number that is impossible to match with anything, so anything goes. Audrey being every flexible and always stylish tried the piece as a tu-tu, a shawl and a headdress. Sadly, I was not able to capture the headpiece number on film, but it was a classic, let me tell you. That is until she couldn't get it off and then all hell broke loose!
I also threw in a couple photos of Audrey in her fully glittered bodysuit tu-tu thingy - the satin shoes get me, every time!
I see ballet classes in our future.


  1. That's incredible! Go Grandma Gilpin! omg the satin shoes are to die for!

  2. Love the tutus! Hope I get to see some in person soon...Hmmm, maybe I can whip us up one or two of our own before I head out to NC!!
